Content Marketing

Do You Really Need an Ideal Customer Avatar?

Do You Really Need an Ideal Customer Avatar?

Do you still need an ideal customer avatar?

Yes, but not the old avatar.

The old customer avatar prioritized more superficial things like whether they like their venti coffee hot or iced.

But, the new, better method to create your ideal customer avatar focuses more on the psychology of why they buy.

Understanding the underlying motivations for buying decisions changes the game--and conversions.

3 Keys to Create Your Profitable Marketing Message

3 Keys to Create Your Profitable Marketing Message

One of the most fundamental things that you need to do to start and scale a profitable business is to get crystal clear on your marketing message.


Because your marketing message influences every aspect of your business.

Your marketing message:

✅ shapes every piece of content that you create,

✅ increases brand awareness,

✅ builds rapport with your audience,

✅ establishes you as the expert in your field, and

✅ converts followers into buyers.

If you are having difficulty dialing in on your marketing message, then here are three keys to help you to get started.

Content Writing Tips For Business

Content Writing Tips For Business

Have any of these things ever happened to you……

You’ve fussed over writing a high-value social media post intended to attract attention, create engagement, and to start a conversation with your ideal client but no one engages with it at all?

You recorded, edited, and re-recorded a video designed to build a relationship and connection with your audience that only your mom watches?

Or, you’ve invested days, or maybe even weeks, creating the perfect blog post—with amazing, eye-catching graphics, mind you—designed to educate your audience and establish authority in your niche that no one reads…except for your mom, of course?

If your answer is YES, then we need to have a serious conversation about your content.