3 Keys to Create Your Profitable Marketing Message


How to Create a Marketing Message that Converts

One of the most fundamental things that you need to do to start and scale a profitable business is to get crystal clear on your marketing message.


Because your marketing message influences every aspect of your business.

Your marketing message:

✅ shapes every piece of content that you create,

✅ increases brand awareness,

✅ builds rapport with your audience,

✅ establishes you as the expert in your field, and

✅ converts followers into buyers by creating a highly effective customer journey.

If you are having difficulty dialing in on your marketing message, then here are three keys to help you to get started.


🔑 Key #1:  Be clear and concise.

A confused buyer will not buy.

Master Your Message Key #1:  Keep your message clear and concise.

Master Your Message Key #1: Keep your message clear and concise.

Why is your ideal client is confused?

Your ideal client is confused because you have not clearly and concisely communicated your expertise in your niche and the value of your offer in a way that entices your audience to invest in you.

When I work with clients, one of the first glaring red flags that I typically see is that they lack clarity around the fundamentals of their offers…and their businesses.

This lack of clarity is detrimental to their business success for a number of reasons because without clarity, they cannot:

❌ Create a crystal clear marketing message that speaks to the pain, problems, or desires of their clients,

❌ Effectively establish authority in their niche,

❌ Build authentic relationships with their audience, and

❌ Properly position their offers in a way that compels their audience to buy.

In other words, lack of clarity prevents you from closing the sale.

In my new Master Your Message Course, I will teach you how to create crystal clear marketing messages that convert potential clients into paying ones. 

Click the button to get the first module of the Master Your Message Course for free!


🔑 Key #2:  Keep the needs, desires, and goals of your ideal client at the center of your message.

One of the most common—and most costly—mistakes that entrepreneurs make when creating their marketing messages is forgetting to put their client’s at the center of the message.

Master Your Message Key #2:  Your ideal client needs to be top of mind when creating your marketing message.

Master Your Message Key #2: Your ideal client needs to be top of mind when creating your marketing message.

This may sound a bit harsh but it is 100% true:  when your ideal client’s follow you on social, or open your emails, subscribe to your YouTube channel, or ready your blog posts, they are trying to figure out what is in it for them.

They want to know how you and your offers can help them realize their goals, dreams, and desires.

So, when you are creating content to share your message and copy to powerfully position your offer so that your ideal client wants to buy it, you need to remember to keep what your ideal clients want in the forefront of your mind and to craft messages that speak to them.

In my new Master Your Message Course, you will learn how to position your offer as the solution your audience and entice them to buy it.

What are you waiting for? Click here to get your FREE sneak peek of the course.


🔑 Key #3:  Include a Call to Action

This is the simplest—yet most intimidating—of all the keys to creating a profitable marketing message, especially for women.

Master Your Message Key #3:  Include a clear call to action (CTA).

Master Your Message Key #3: Include a clear call to action (CTA).

Honestly, I believe that women struggle the most with including a call to action because we are taught from a young age that it either we want is not important or that we shouldn’t make others feel uncomfortable by asking for what we want.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I am so over that 🙄 and I hope that you are too!

You are a business owner who deserves to be compensated for the talent, knowledge and expertise that you provide to your clients.

All of your marketing messages should include a clear call to action that encourages your audience to engage with you or your content in some fashion. This engagement is important because it starts to build the know, like and trust factor with your ideal client.

You will learn more about the importance of CTAs and how they help to develop the relationship between you and your audience in my Master Your Message Course.

Are you ready to get crystal clear on your messaging so that you can attract your soulmate clients, members and students?

Then, click the button below to get access to the first module of the course for FREE on November 15, 2021. I can’t wait to see you inside of the course!