Content Writing Tips For Business


3 Simple Content Tweaks That Will BOOST Connection, Engagement, & Conversions with Your Audience

Have any of these things ever happened to you……

You’ve fussed over writing a high-value social media post intended to attract attention, create engagement, and to start a conversation with your ideal client but no one engages with it at all?

You recorded, edited, and re-recorded a video designed to build a relationship and connection with your audience that only your mom watches?

Or, you’ve invested days, or maybe even weeks, creating the perfect blog post—with amazing, eye-catching graphics, mind you—designed to educate your audience and establish authority in your niche that no one reads…except for your mom, of course?

If your answer is YES, then we need to have a serious conversation about your content.

There is an art and science to effective content writing. When done correctly, good content can:

✅ increase brand awareness,

✅ build relationships with your audience,

✅ effectively communicate your message,

✅ establish authority in your niche, and

✅ help convert a subscriber to a buyer.

It is very likely that the reason your audience is not reading your blog articles, opening your emails, watching your videos, or engaging with your social media posts is simple: your content needs a little…okay maybe a lot….of tweaking.

Don’t worry, sis, I’ve got you.

Here are 3 simple and effective tweaks that you can make to you content TODAY to turn things around.

Mastering Your Message helps you to find the right words to provide value and build relationships with your audience in an authentic way.

🚀 Be conversational.

Have you ever read a social media post or email that was so dry and technical that it could have easily been copied straight out of a textbook.

Let’s face it: you didn’t want to read boring technical writing when you were in school and you certainly don’t want to read it now.

No one likes a lecture!

When I first start working with a coaching client during a private intensive, one of the first steps that we take is to perform a content audit because most entrepreneurs are in desperate need of a content overhaul.


Because they are so intent on sharing their message in a way that makes in a way that sound like the super-smart expert they are, that they forget one important thing: They are talking to living, breathing, short-attention-span-having people! And, if you want to convert them from a lurker to a buyer, then you have to create content that keeps their attention long enough to do it!

When you are creating content—whether it be social media captions, emails, blog posts, video or any other form of content— you need to do it as if you are talking to a friend, not like you are teaching a class.

Your words need to feel authentic and personable, not clinical and technical. In my upcoming Master Your Message Course, I will teach you how to spice up your content to keep your business and brand relevant and relatable.

Here is your first Action Step: Go back and read your last 5 social media posts. Does it sound like you are teaching a class or writing a manual instead of talking or writing to a friend?

💎 And, your first Marketing Gem: People follow you on social media because they want to hear what YOU have to say. Show up authentically on social media as you, not the version of you that you assume people want to hear.


🚀 Create valuable content that is client-centered instead of self-centered.

Mastering Your Message will allow you to create content that focuses on your client and demonstrates how your offer will benefit them.

Listen, I love my furbaby, ice cream and heels just as much as the next girl.

But, if your content is not conveying your message, educating or inspiring your ideal clients, then you need to keep these types of posts to a minimum.

When I speak with entrepreneurs and audit their content, they are usually guilty of breaking one of my 3 Cardinal Content Writing Rules: they are creating content that is all about them instead of their audience.

This is a classic and costly content writing mistake that entrepreneurs make when trying to promote their products, service, course, or membership.

Their content shows how great their lives are, the time and effort that went into developing their offer, all of the things they have included in their offer to makes it worth the cost of investment, etc.

But, these entrepreneurs make one HUGE mistake: none of that explain how their offer helps their clients and why they should buy it!

Now, this may sound a little harsh and may trigger you a bit but I’m going to tell you anyway: most people who follow you care more about how you and your offer can help them—-not how it helped you.

In my new online Master Your Message Course, I will show you how to powerfully communicate your message and value in a way that converts followers and subscribers into paying clients.

Action Step: Go back and read your last email and 10 social media posts and ask yourself a question: were you talking to your audience about how you and/or your offer can help them?

💎 Marketing Gem: Your audience wants to read and engage with content that is all about them—their needs, pain, desires—not yours. Make sure that your copy is relevant to them, not necessarily to you.


🚀 Be vulnerable.

Mastering Your Message will show you how to write content that connects with people on a personal level and promotes your offer in an authentic way.

When you are creating content for your next video, email, or social media post, or blog, you need to do it in a way that fosters some type of genuine human connection with your audience.

If you show up online, in your emails, social media, and video and are all business all of the time, it is a major turn off.

Think about it: have you ever been on a date and all he wants to talk about is work?

Yuck! It’s a major turn off because it is clear to your audience that all you interested in doing in selling and promoting, not serving and connecting with them on a personal level.

So, how do you share your message and establish yourself as an expert AND build relationships with your audience?

Be vulnerable. Be a real person. Be you, for crying out loud!

So, if you have a great sense of humor, then be funny.

If you are sarcastic and witty, then show it.

If you started your business so that you can spend more time with your family, then share a story about how your business has allowed you to do that.

This doesn’t mean that you need to expose the innermost details of your life. But, you do need to remember that people buy from people.

And while most people are smart enough to understand that you are sending out an email to sell an offer or positing online to promote your new freebie that ultimately leads to an offer, they are more inclined to invest in your offer once they realize that you are invested in them.

In the Master Your Message Course, I will introduce you to the process that I use to help clients create content that speaks to the heart of the ideal client and builds the know, like and trust factor quickly and effectively.

Action Step: Ready your last blog article or email. Did you honestly write any of these posts to build relationships with your audience and share your message in an authentic way?

💎 Marketing Gem: Being vulnerable helps people reminds your potential clients that on the other side of the computer is another living, breathing human trying to connect with them.

Now let me ask you a question: are you ready to start creating content that will help you build relationships with your ideal client and increase sales?

Are you tired of spending hours writing social media posts with no engagement?

Are you done with sending out emails to your list that no one reads?

Then, I would like to invite you to join me in the Master Your Message Course!

In my new Master Your Message Course, you will learn:

  • the formula that I use to help female entrepreneurs combine clickworthy content with a crystal clear message to effectively communicate their expertise to their target audience,

  • the 3 most common mistakes female entrepreneurs make as it relates to messaging and how to you can fix it, plus,

  • how to write content that connects with your ideal audience so that you can convert followers to paying clients.

Are you ready to start creating messages that let you stand out from the crowd and converts leads into paying clients?

Then, click the button below to get access to the first module of my new online Master Your Message course for FREE on November 15, 2021.