Welcome to the Official Blog of Live with Maven!

Hello and welcome to the official blog of Live with Maven!

I am so exciited that you have stubmled upon our little corner of the internet and sincerely hope that the informatin that you find here will serve you well as your start, grow, and scale your business.


My name is Monaca and I am the Founder + Creative Director of Live with Maven, a boutique digital marketing agency that helps women create lives and businesses that they love using the power of online marketing.

Each Monday, I will be releasing a new blog post filled with practical advice, tools and strategies that you can implement in your business to grow your impact, influence and income online.

If you are new around here, then let me share 10 things that you probably don’t know about me.

#1: I was a high school science teacher for 10 years.

I never thought that I would be a teacher—actually I remember specifically telling people that I would never, ever be a teacher. But, I taught middle and high school science for ten years and they were some of the best and most challenging years of my life.

#2: I love to travel.

One thing that I have really missed during the COVID-19 pandemic is traveling. I promised myself that 2020 would be the year that I would finally travel to Italy. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus had other plans. But, when the world goes back to normal and all of the travel restrictions are lifted, look out world because here I come! ✈🌏

Kirby Roscoe

Kirby Roscoe

#3: I love dogs.

Big ones, small ones, calm ones, hyper ones, it doesn’t matter.

To me dogs are little bundles of joy that deserve to be loved by the humans in their lives.

Last year, we lost our family dog, Kirby Roscoe, to cancer and a stroke.

It has been a long process recovering from his death, but we are finally ready to open our hearts again to a new puppy and we hope to adopt one soon.

#4: I am a 3 time mini-stroke survivor.

I had my first of three mini-stroke in my early thirties. Thankfully, I recovered fully from all of them but those experiences taught me that every day is precious and not promised to any of us. It is one of the reasons that I am passionate about embracing all of the opportunities that come my way and sharing all of the gifts that God has given me.

#5: I was almost kidnapped in Mexico when I was in college.

Yes, you read that right. Near the end of my study abroad trip, some friends and I decided to take a taxi to the mercado (market). We flagged down a taxi and jumped in. But, when we got in the taxi, the driver drove us in the opposite direction of the mercado and refused to turn around or even to talk to us! We started screaming for him to let us out but he refused until the one male friend with us who physically forced him to stop the car and let us out. It was by far one of the scariest experiences of my life, but thank God everything turned out fine.

#6: My favorite food on earth is Neapolitan style pizza.

I consider myself to be a burgeoning foodie. Some might even call me a pizza snob. But, this girl knows what she likes and if you ever ask me what type of pizza do I crave, then it has to be a Neapolitan style pizza for me.

#7: The first concert I went to was Ricky Martin.

It was a last minute idea and some people thought that I was crazy to go, but I absolutely LOVED it! I had the time of my life and almost got the chance to shake my bom-bom on stage.

#8: I love to dance.

I may not be the most graceful dancer in the world. But, I have always loved to dance. I even took ballroom dancing lessons while I was in college and I absolutely loved it. Tango, Swing, Polka, Salsa….it didn’t matter. I loved them all. And, not to toot my horn, but I was fairly good at it. Who knows, I may even give it a try again after the pandemic is over.

#9: I am an Autoimmune Warrior.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with two autoimmune disorders that rocked me to the core. The road to finding the right treatment for these disorders has been a long one and to be honest it is still ongoing. But, I do not let it stop me from chasing my dreams or doing the things that I really want to do with my life.

#10: I will be self-publishing a YA fiction novel in the Spring of 2022.

I have always wanted to be an author. As a child, I was a voracious reader and writer. I loved losing myself in the books that I read and writing stories that stretched my imagination. Years later as an adult, I don’t have the time to read or write as I once did, but I have never given up on the dream of being an author. So, I will be publishing a YA mystery novel in the Spring of 2022. I can’t wait!

Well there you have it: 10 things that you probably didn’t know about me. Which one surprised you the most?

I hope that you enjoyed today’s post and make sure to check back next Monday for my first marketing related post all about harnessing the Power of Pinterest in your business.

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