Do You Really Need an Ideal Customer Avatar?

There has been a lot of debate, especially in the online space, regarding whether businesses still really need an ideal customer avatar in the new, digital economy,

Yes……but not the old avatar.

The old ideal customer avatar was built on more superficial things like behaviors and preferences.

And, If you are still using the outdated method for creating an avatar then you are probably:

❌ posting on social media to crickets,

❌ sending out emails that no one reads or responds to,

❌ creating content that no one is interested in or engages with, and

❌ creating eye-popping but irrelevant sales pages that totally misses the mark.

I know that’s harsh, but if I don’t tell you then who will?

Before you run away let me assure you that there is another way—a better way that empowers you to create a new and improved avatar designed to understand your ideal client at a much deeper level.

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The new ideal customer avatar focuses more on the psychology, or the underlying motivations, for why people make buying decisions rather than determining if your ideal customer prefers her venti coffee hot or iced.

My new method for creating an ideal customer avatar helps you to better study and understand your ideal client’s reasons for purchasing an offer, you can incorporate them into your messaging and connect with them on a much deeper level.

And, trust me, once you understand your client’s inner motivations for buying, it changes the game…not to mention it also increases the conversions.

In my new Captivate Your Customer Workshop, I will teach you step-by-step how to truly get inside of your ideal client and to understand them in a deeper way so that you can effortlessly build the Know, Like and Trust factor with your ideal clients.

Marketers have used the Know, Like and Trust factor—both online and offline—to effectively sell products, services, courses, coaching and practically everything else under the sun to their audience.

The Know, Like and Trust factor is a foundational and powerful tool that entrepreneurs can and should use to develop rapport and cultivate relationships with their audience.

But, there is a problem: a lot of entrepreneurs are still using the antiquated—and dare I say irrelevant—method for creating ideal client avatars based on behaviors instead of the new and highly effective model based on selling psychology.

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Consumers are more savvy now than ever before and the market is saturated with people who are trying to sell them something—just think about how many ads you are bombarded with everyday while scrolling through Facebook or Instagram?!

If you truly desire to connect with your audience, serve them, and show them why they should buy your offers, then you need to switch your focus from superficial and look much deeper.

In order to be a successful entrepreneur in our new digital economy, you must be able to:

💡 understand your ideal customer in a much deeper level and her reasons for making buying decisions,

💡 positions your offer as the solution or path from where your ideal customers are right now to where they desire o be, and

💡 presents your offer in a way that makes it easy for your ideal customer to buy using seller psychology.

Although there are many moving parts of a successful online business, such as content creation, messaging, and the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, you MUST have a clear understanding of your ideal client before you can do any of those things successfully.

And, I don’t mean whether they prefer Target or Walmart or whether they prefer Whole Foods to Trader Joes!

I mean that you need to understand who your ideal customer really is and desires so that you can create an offer that is a no-brainer for her to buy!

In my new Captivate Your Customer Masterclass, you will learn the top 3 mistakes entrepreneurs make when creating their ideal customer avatar and how to fix it.

By the end of the masterclass you will learn:

✨ how most entrepreneurs totally miss the mark when creating their avatar,

✨ the “Iceberg” approach to understanding your ideal client on a deeper level, and

✨ my signature 5 step method for creating your ideal client avatar,

I can’t wait to share all of this and more during the live masterclass.

Reserve your seat in the upcoming Captivate Your Customer Masterclass will be happening LIVE on Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 11:00am CST.

Seating in the live masterclass is limited so click the button below to reserve your seat in the masterclass today!

So, what are you waiting for?

Enter your details below to join the Captivate Your Customer Masterclass today!